Yes, but your options are extremely slim. They will perish without a constant source of moisture. Even the giant Porcellio species, who prefer their environment to be on the dryer side, will need a moist patch of moss placed somewhere for them to re-wet their gils. Yes, gils. Isopods are often incorrectly referred to as bugs; they are crustaceans and will desiccate without any access to water.
Keepers of Bearded Dragons, Hognose Snakes, and other species appreciative of an arid environment, prefer to avoid isopods as a clean up crew and go with mealworms, super worms, buffalo worms, dubias. Although some keepers have mentioned success with P. scaber ‘Giant Orange’ isopods, but recommend providing enough protein/calcium to fill their insatiable appetites.
This should also probably be obvious, but do not create a humid bioactive setup in order to successfully house an isopod clean up crew for your Bearded Dragon. Bearded Dragons are desert-like pets and could develop a severe respiratory infection because of it.