Absolutely! Protein hungry species such as P. laevis, P. ornatus, P. magnificus, P. hoffmannseggi, P. haasi, P. scaber P. spinipennis, P. weneri will absolutely love devouring any snake shed you provide them.
However, if you decide to house any of these species with your snake to be an immediate shed cleaner, your best bet is to stick to P. laevis and P. scaber. These guys are not as protein driven and will leave your snake along as long as you provide them a constant adequate protein source. They surely won’t survive if their only food opportunities are dependent on your snake’s next shed.
For smaller snakes such as Hognose and Corn Snakes, you can easily house P. pruinosus, as they will also devour snake shed without issue. The reason I don’t recommend them for larger snakes is because I’ve watched my Powder Oranges struggle to break down my adult Carpet Python’s belly scales, messily scattering them throughout her enclosure, leaving me with the tedious task of picking them all out.
Can I feed my isopods shed from my snake?