Softer bodied species are generally deemed fit as feeders for your pet, making Armadillidium and Cubaris species a not so fit option for consumption, due to their hard exterior.
When deciding which will be good for your pet to feed on, you will have to keep in mind just how big the species will get (avoiding a choke hazard is always a good idea!)
For Dart Frogs, we recommend nearly every Dwarf Species of isopod: A. floridana, N. cristatutus, R. texensis, Trichoniscus sp., Trichorhina sp., T. tomentosa, and C. convexus. These are the most common ones we’ve seen smaller sized frogs enjoy, but there are definitely more dwarf species out there!
For larger frog species, geckos, juvenile tarantulas, scorpions, we recommend slightly larger species of isopod who are not too protein hungry: P. pruinosus, P. virgatus, and N. cristatus.
For Tarantulas, Scorpions, Geckos (all as adults), you can feed them slightly larger species such as P. laevis, but only if you are able to supervise! Like crickets, they are voraciously protein hungry and will nibble on your pet if left roaming the tank and not fed adequately.